Summer Automated

Some aren’t.

Let’s get you moving.

Summer Automated helps your machine get up and running faster. From machine design consulting, to supply chain recommendations, process improvement, and more, we’ll help you get up and moving.



Automation in semiconductor manufacturing increases productivity, improves product quality, reduces costs, and enables the production of increasingly complex and miniaturized semiconductor devices.


From liquid handling and dispensing, to high throughput screening and precision machining and fabrication, automation is key to many biomedical manufacturers.

Wet/Dry Packaging

Palletizing, case packing, pick and place, labeling, and tray packaging are just a few of the packaging applications we’ve helped companies with.


Manufacturing processes, composite material production, non-destructive testing and inspection, and more all fall under our automation experience.

Any environment.

Many automation issues stem from environmental causes. Summer Automated has experience with machine design in extreme temperatures, vacuums, clean rooms, high pressure, and caustic environments.

Improve efficiency. Lower costs.

  • Our goal is to two-fold: to help you improve efficiency and lower both short and long term operating costs.

Custom machine design

We design and build custom machinery for specialized automation tasks that can’t be addressed with off-the-shelf equipment.

“Hack should be called ‘the machine whisperer’.”

Tom K.

Sales Director, Equipment Monitoring Organization